The Four S's of Resilience

Our resilience is our response to any challenge: good, bad, big, small. That resilience is based on how we think about self, situation, strategies, and supports. Using the Four S's, we can proactively prepare for, handle, and reflect on any challenge to build more resilient brain pathways.

The Characters of the Brain

The four characters represent different parts of the brain and how those parts function during challenges. Our brains don't think of these responses as good vs bad, they think of them as long-term vs short-term. The characters help us understand the tools we need to maintain our mental health and make more balanced choices.

The Social Threats & Rewards

Our brains respond the same way to social threats as they do to physical threats. Fight-Flight-Freeze responses are triggered by the social threats outlined in REACTS. Learning these triggers helps us to be more mindful in the way that we respond to challenges, improving our decision-making and communication skills.