Why Resilience?

Resilience is widely considered a major protective factor for mental wellness, giving people the strength to deal with stress and hardship. This program offers a framework for proactively using challenges as opportunities to build resilience.

  • High resilience is strongly correlated to life satisfaction and our long-term success.

  • Challenges are part of life, and building resilience allows us to use challenges to aid in our future success.

  • Resilience allows people to adapt and lead in difficult situations, helping those around them.

Learning Outcomes

  • Skills for Fostering Mental Wellness

    We'll help you build personalized, repeatable strategies that proactively build your resilience and promote long-term brain health.

  • Balanced & Mindful Decision-Making

    There are several systems at work in the brain, and they guide every decision we make. When we understand "why" & "how" they react, we gain more control over those responses.

  • Tools for Conflict Resolution & Prevention

    Our brains are wired for conflict. The key to a logical, empathetic response during conflict is setting yourself up for success beforehand.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can you give a basic definition of resilience?

    Yes! Resilience is the way we respond to any challenge; good, bad, big, small. The higher your level of resilience, the easier it is for you to overcome and grow from those challenges.

  • Can we actually teach people how to become more resilient?

    Definitely, and at any age. Giving people frameworks and tools for facing and reflecting on challenges helps them develop more resilient brain pathways (i.e., become more resilient).

  • Why brain-based resilience?

    When we understand the brain, we are getting at the "Why" of our behaviors, which is the basis for behavior change.

  • What's with the animated bugs? Isn't that just for kids?

    The great thing about using the animated bug characters to represent different aspects of the brain is that anyone can relate to them. Aside from being relatable, they are a more memorable and interesting way to learn about some basic brain functions.


Founder of Pathways to Empower

Dr. Donna Volpitta

Always an educator, Dr. Volpitta loves finding ways to translate neuroscience so that people can apply it to their own lives. Her work is grounded in the latest research in neurology, psychology, and education. She is the co-author of The Resilience Formula, author of Neuroworld, co-creator of the Nametags Education Program, and is a sought-after speaker. A former classroom teacher (and mother of 4 adolescents!) with experience in both general and special education, Donna holds a doctoral degree in Learning Dis/Abilities from Teachers College, Columbia University.


Jason Schofield

With a strong background in coaching, management, entrepreneurial consulting, and developing products and services in the technology space, Jason brings his creative spirit and forward-thinking mindset to the Pathways products. Jason feels incredibly fortunate to have the opportunity to unite his three main passions, education, health, and entrepreneurship, through Pathways to Empower.